The list

....these are things Id like to try to bring into my life....things Id like to do a little more often....
1* Acknowledge how grateful I am every single day...

* Read more...take interest in the written matter around me... too often I don't bother....and Id like to make a point of absorbing more.

2* Travel.... long trips...short trips.... just get out there and take it in.

3* Try something new as often as possible....give things a go.... stop thinking of reasons why I cant...shouldn't or wont.

4* Stop worrying about what people think...and stop striving to live up to perceived expectations....allow myself to dress...behave...and live the way I want...afterall...I am ME... not someone else.

5* Stop worrying about my weight.... focus instead on getting healthy.....eating well....and exercising for pure enjoyment....

6* Eat more home grown vegetables.....and of course...grow more!

7* De-clutter my life.... stop hoarding unnecessary clutter.

8* Continue to journal the every day..... scrap more... photograph more and blog more ( more!!.....I had considered stopping because its such a time hog...but its really the only diary I write...and so it stays)

9* Let go of the feeling of obligation to face book, blogs, forums and emails....of course I wish to remain in touch with all my beautiful friends and family via cyberspace.... but I want to STOP feeling like a failure if I don't comment... reply.... post all the just consumes too much time and adds too much stress.

10* Watch more movies

11* Read to Bella every time she visits

12* Work on positive thoughts.... always..

13* Don't allow negative thoughts.... always look on the bright side.

14* Pay compliments when due... and often.

15* Be generous....

16* Organise...everything!.... papers... clothes...craft.... everything.

17* Don't worry about age.... be grateful for youth...

18* Cook more... simple... healthy food..

19* Stop before buying 'stuff'....and ask myself 'do I really need this?"

20* Listen to more music... try listening to some new artists... make music a part of every day.

21* Wear hair clips in my hair...

22* Spend time with Ian and the kids..... just...spending time..

23* Write more letters...

24* Learn to accept and let go...

25* get my nose pierced..

26* Ride the scooter more...

27* Collect things that make me happy.... (no....not 'clutter'...and yes...I do' really need things' that make me happy)

28* Take a photography course.... not sure how or when....but its on the list..

29* Embrace spontaneity... like now...when the girls want to head off shopping... so Ill be back to this list later...

30* Manicure my nails more often....not the beauty shop type manicure....just some love and attention at home...(thankyou Mum for the FAB little crystal emery file...I love it)

31* Wear more skirts

32* Stop the self put downs....

33* Fold our washing as it comes off the line... no more bulging baskets.

34* Don't stress about 'events'....take them in my stride and enjoy the entire experience....from beginning to finish.